Job actions

When I archive a mission, will all the candidates in the container receive a negative letter?
All the candidates that have not yet received a negative letter will be sent one except of course the accepted candidate.
What is a Push mail?
PUSH MAIL is a job alert sent to the candidates who have required it and who have selected the same job category as the job category in the function. It can be activated by pressing the button “ON”
How can I add a LINE MANAGER in a function?
Go to the job settings of the function, click on the tab LINE MANAGER. You can add as many Line Managers as you need. Don’t forget to SAVE CHANGES.
Can I change a publication date?
No, the date is set automatically on the day you publish the function.
Do I get a mail every time a candidate send a cv?
No, you will only get a notification per email once every 24hours
How do I republish an archived function?
First of all, copy the function. How? Select the function you want to republish, click on ACTION, select ARCHIVE in the list and click on the magnifying glass. Select the function to be republished, point to ACTION. In the list you will find COPY JOB, click on it. You will be redirected to the copy, ...
How can I add a geographical area?
Send the name and exact address of the geographical area to be added to your contact person or via chat.